The Rogue Crown: A Novel (The Five Crowns of Okrith, 3)

The Rogue Crown: A Novel (The Five Crowns of Okrith, 3)

Briata Catullus, one of the infamous Golden Eagles, is fated to seize the crown from a sovereign. Or so says the notorious prophecy that has haunted her entire existence. Banished from the Western Court the day after her birth, Bri has endeavored to do everything in her power to prove fate wrong. In the aftermath

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Death at the Savoy: A Priscilla Tempest Mystery, Book 1

Death at the Savoy: A Priscilla Tempest Mystery, Book 1

Priscilla Tempest, an attractive Canadian twenty-something, is head of the press office at The Savoy, London’s most prestigious hotel. Her penchant for landing in the bad books of the hotel’s snobbish general manager is magnified a thousand times when the arms dealer found dead in River Suite 705 turns out to be Priscilla’s date from

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“On that Day” A Trilogy

“On that Day” A Trilogy

I’d like to start this review by saying that I am probably not the intended audience for this book. I was raised Christian (Catholic, if specificity is needed) but in an environment that was relaxed enough that I could easily slip into an agnostic adulthood. My interest in religion is largely intellectual and aesthetic. I

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Upside Down

Upside Down

Bear has a very nice garden. He has lots of pretty flowering plants. A new plant grows in his garden that doesn’t seem to want to bloom. Bear takes very good care of his new plant. He makes sure it has plenty of water. He makes sure it gets plenty of light but protects it

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Very Good Hats

Very Good Hats

Any child can tell you what a hat is. Except that a hat isn’t always what we think it is, and a head isn’t always the place for a hat. One might need hats for the tips of their fingers. And finger-tip hats can be many things—raspberries, tortellini, or other fun things. If it’s cold

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The Nightmare Bug

The Nightmare Bug

The Nightmare Bug is the perfect book for children with nightmares. In the story, a small child is scared of the nightmare bug. The child’s mother tells the child that to beat the bug, the bug must be hugged. So, knowing that mom knows best, the child grabs Blankie, Bear, and Rhino and gets ready

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Bryant & May: Peculiar London (Peculiar Crimes Unit)

Bryant & May: Peculiar London (Peculiar Crimes Unit)

If you are looking for a London guidebook that takes you into every nook and cranny of the capital, or if you want to learn every quirky fact and bizarre story about the city, then Bryant and May: Peculiar London is for you. Does it offer a geographically logical progression through the city? Absolutely not.

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