Strum and Drum: A Merry Little Quest

Strum and Drum: A Merry Little Quest

Strum and Drum: A Merry Little Quest is a cheerful Christmas tale that will bring a smile to young readers. My favorite aspect of this story lies in the detailed and thoughtful illustrations. While Strum and Drum are on their journey to find the Great Star, the artwork is depicted with vibrant and colorful imagery that spans both pages. However, when their journey is cut short by the green-eyed monster, the pictures descend onto one page in contrasting black and white.

If you purchase a book with the removable jacket cover, you will be surprised to find a stunning monochromatic cover hidden beneath the multicolored surface. I believe the author and illustrator, Jashar Awan uses this color technique as a way to show the difference between fantasy and reality. Strum and Drum are initially introduced as traveling musicians but are later revealed to be curious Christmas ornaments on a beautiful tree. The author provides clever clues throughout the book that allude to this reality. Children ages three to seven will enjoy this joyful holiday story.